Placeholder Circuit Scribe Conductive Ink Pen – Voltaat

Circuit Scribe Conductive Ink Pen

  • Sale
  • Regular price 59 QAR
  • Product ID: VT-1619
    2 in stock

    This is the Circuit Scribe Conductive Ink Pen, a simple looking ball-point pen that allows you to draw circuits instead of soldering or wiring them to a breadboard. This is the same pen found in the Circuit Scribe Lite Kit just without the LED module and batteries, we understand that you may just need to draw out a quick circuit with your own parts or need a replacement pen.

    With Circuit Scribe you can draw exactly what you want, no wires or breadboard required. You can build a circuit with nothing but a coin battery, paper clip, and LED, or build out complex circuits with multiple components. The Conductive Ink Pen uses a non toxic, silver conductive ink that writes on any surface a regular roller ball pen would with a resistance of 2-10 Ohms/cm.

    • Ink Resistance: 2-10 Ohms/cm
    • Line Width: 0.4mm
    • Squeeze-Free Pen
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