Placeholder Raspberry Pi Case for Pi 5 Red/White – Voltaat

Raspberry Pi Case for Pi 5 Red/White

  • Sale
  • Regular price 42 QAR
  • Product ID: VT-1997
    11 in stock

    The Raspberry Pi case has been updated to provide improved thermal features for the Raspberry Pi 5.  Active cooling is integrated with a variable-speed fan, powered by the the dedicated fan connector on the Raspberry Pi 5.

    Everything is snap and fit, NO screw or nut is needed to assemble it. Neat and nice!

    It also comes with an adhesive heatsink for you to paste on the CPU of Raspberry Pi 5, further keeping the board cool!

    Did I mention it? The cooling fan is PWM controllable from the latest Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm for Raspberry Pi 5). By default, the fan is automated from the latest Raspberry Pi OS, and no configuration is needed. Just make sure to get the latest Raspberry Pi OS (Bookworm for Raspberry Pi 5).

    There is a 4-pin wire fan connector. 2 wires for Power (+ and GND), another wire for PWM to control fan speed, and the last wire for Tachometer to get feedback from the fan.


    Note: This case is compatible with the official active cooler, just install the active cooler before assembling the case

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