Placeholder Maker Drive H-Bridge Motor Driver for Beginner – Voltaat

Maker Drive H-Bridge Motor Driver for Beginner

  • Sale
  • Regular price 23 QAR
  • Product ID: VT-1101
    16 in stock

    • Maker Drive H-Bridge Motor Driver for Beginner
    • Has 4 test buttons and 4 indicator LEDs
    • Comes with Reverse Polarity Protection
    • Is capable of driving a stepper motor

    The Maker Drive H-Bridge Motor Driver for Beginner is the most widely used motor because it is easy to use. Just supply the two terminals with DC power, the motor will start rotating! If you want to control its speed and direction using a controller, usually you will use an L298N Motor Driver.

    But if you want an easy and beginner friendly motor driver, you are in the right place! Maker Drive is designed for simplicity and with the beginner in mind!

    Maker Drive comes with Reverse Polarity Protection at Vin/Vmotor/Vbatt terminal. With this protection, it will greatly reduce the risk of damaging the motor driver. Maker Drive is designed to be compact, roughly the size of a passport photo.

    It has 4 test buttons and 4 indicator LEDs. Also, Maker Drive is capable of driving a stepper motor.

    • Dual channel, Bi-directional control motor driver
    • Support motor voltage from 2.5 V to 9.5 VDC
    • Maximum current up to 1 A continuous and 1.5 A peak (<5 seconds)
    • 5 V Output (200 mA) to power the controller.
    • Inputs compatible with 1.8 V, 3.3 V and 5 V logic (Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc).
    • Solid state components provide faster response time and eliminate the wear and tear of mechanical relay
    • Regenerative Braking
    • Speed control PWM frequency up to 20 kHz (Actual output frequency is the same as input frequency)


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