Placeholder Current to Voltage Module (4-20mA to 0-10V) – Voltaat

Current to Voltage Module (4-20mA to 0-10V)

  • Sale
  • Regular price 15 QAR
  • Product ID: VT-1213
    8 in stock

    In the process of circuit signal transmission, the voltage signal will increase with the transmission distance becomes weak, the use of current transmission can avoid the signal weakening. This module is used for the end of the current signal transmission, the signal into a voltage signal for single-chip detection. Current input supports 4-20Ma, 0-20mA, voltage output supports 0-3.3V 0-5V 0-10V. The board is configured for the desired output voltage range by jumpers.


    • Power Supply: DC 7~36V (if the output needs to be 10V, the input must be over 12V)
    • Reverse Polarity Protection
    • When the current input is at minimum (0mA or 4mA), adjust the Zero potentiometer to make the voltage output to be the minimum value (0.0V or others)
    • When the current input is at maximum (20mA), adjust the Span potentiometer to make the voltage output to be the maximum value (3.3V or 5V or 10V; the output can be as low as 2.5V when the current input is within 4 -20mA)
    • At the minimum input current (0 mA or 4 mA), turn the ZERO potentiometer to set the desired output voltage corresponding to the set zero current. Clockwise rotation increases output voltage.
    • It is not recommend setting 0 Volts with a minimum current of 4 mA, because in this case the microcontroller will not be able to determine if the cable to the sensor is broken or it really shows the minimum values.
    • At a maximum current of 20 mA, by rotating the variable resistance SPAN, the maximum value in the range determined by jumpers is selected. Clockwise rotation increases output voltage.

    jumper Configuration

    ON: jumper cap buckles on the two jumper pins - jumper shorted
    OFF: two jumper pins without the jumper cap - jumper removed

      Range, Volt     J1, Jumper 1-2     J1, Jumper 3-4  
      0 - 2.5     ON     ON  
      0 - 3.3     Off     Off  
      0 - 5.0     ON     ON  
      0 - 10.0     ON     Off  
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